Digital Identity

A digital identity is a set of data, including attributes and identifiers, that uniquely represents a person, organization, application, or entity within a digital ecosystem.

How Do You Obtain a Digital Identity?

A digital identity typically starts when you register with an online service or organization. During registration, you provide the necessary information to establish your identity in their system. Afterward, the system uses a process of authentication and authorization to verify and manage your identity.

  • Authentication: You prove that you are who you claim to be, usually by entering your username and password. To enhance security, many services also use multi-factor authentication (MFA), requiring additional verification steps like a fingerprint scan or a verification code sent to your phone.

  • Authorization: After authentication, the system grants you access to certain resources or services based on your identity. For example, you might gain access to your purchase history on an e-commerce site or to shared files in a corporate network.

  • Identifiers: Once authenticated, the system tracks your activity (e.g., purchases, file uploads) and associates it with your unique digital identity.

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