Enter your email address on the login page.
Receive a TOTP (Time-based One-Time Password) in your email.
Enter the TOTP in the provided field.
Access your account without a password.
Go to the account settings page.
Select "Add Authentication Method."
Choose "Email with TOTP."
Verify your email by entering the received TOTP.
The method is now registered for your account.
Navigate to the account settings page.
Select "Manage Authentication Methods."
Choose "Change Authentication Method."
Follow the prompts to switch to a new email or authentication method.
Confirm the change via the new method.
Go to the account settings page.
Select "Manage Authentication Methods."
Click on "Remove" next to the email with TOTP method.
Confirm the removal via an email verification step.
The method is now removed from your account.
A page for social sign-in (e.g., Google, Apple, Slack, Github) allows you to log in using your existing accounts from these providers. Similar to passwordless login via email TOTP (Time-based One-Time Password), this method makes logging in easier and more secure.
Key Benefits:
Quick Access: Log in with a single click using your preferred social account.
Improved Security: Utilizes the strong security measures of established providers.
Convenience: No need to remember another password.
Steps to Use Social Sign-In:
Navigate to the login page.
Choose a Provider: Select from the preconfigured options like Google, Apple, Slack, or Github.
Authenticate: Click the provider button and follow the prompts to log in.
Grant Permissions: Allow the application to access basic profile information.
For configuration settings, please refer to the administrative hub section on configuring Single Sign-On (SSO) providers.
First, authenticate with a primary authentication method.
Then, select Authenticator App for one of the subsequent factors.
Receive a TOTP (Time-based One-Time Password) in your Authenticator App.
Enter the TOTP in the provided field.
Access your account.
Go to the account settings page.
Select "Add Authentication Method."
Choose "Authenticator App."
Scan the presented QR Code.
Verify your authenticator device by entering the visible TOTP.
The method is now registered for your account.
Navigate to the account settings page.
Select "Manage Authentication Methods."
Choose "Change Authentication Method."
Follow the prompts to switch to a new authenticator app or authentication method.
Confirm the change via the new method.
Go to the account settings page.
Select "Manage Authentication Methods."
Click on "Remove" next to the authenticator app with the TOTP method.
Confirm the removal via an authenticator verification step.
The method has been removed from your account.
Enter your phonenumber on the login page.
Receive a TOTP (Time-based One-Time Password) in your phonenumber.
Enter the TOTP in the provided field.
Access your account without a password.
Go to the account settings page.
Select "Add Authentication Method."
Choose "phonenumber with TOTP."
Verify your phonenumber by entering the received TOTP.
The method is now registered for your account.
Navigate to the account settings page.
Select "Manage Authentication Methods."
Choose "Change Authentication Method."
Follow the prompts to switch to a new phonenumber or authentication method.
Confirm the change via the new method.
Go to the account settings page.
Select "Manage Authentication Methods."
Click on "Remove" next to the phonenumber with the TOTP method.
Confirm the removal via a phonenumber verification step.
The method has been removed from your account.